1. The name of the Society is the Public Works Association of British Columbia.
2. The purposes of the Society are to promote excellence in public works and to create public awareness of the critical role of public works professionals in the community. This will be achieved by various means, including but not limited to:
a) Facilitating the sharing of information, expertise, experiences, and mutual support in the areas of design, construction, maintenance, administration and operations of public works facilities and services;
b) Representing public works professions;
c) Organizing an annual conference, training, events, meetings, and publications; and
d) Promoting professional standards and ethics.
3. This society is a member-funded society. It is funded primarily by its members to organize events for the benefit of its members. On its liquidation or dissolution, this Society may distribute its moneys and other property to its members.
These bylaws were adopted in December 2018 to comply with the updated Societies’ Act.
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